tempo de preparo


40 minutos


372 porçoes
gramas por porção

Gramas por Porção

0 g

Ingredientes de: CamemBOSH (Limpar)

check uncheck 90,0 gramas de Castanha de caju
check uncheck 17,0 gramas de Polvilho doce
check uncheck 2,0 colheres (chá) cheias de Vinagre
check uncheck 3,0 dentes de Alho cru
* Esta receita pode conter sugestões de marcas somente para referência para o cálculo das informações nutricionais. Fique à vontade para escolher o produto do fornecedor ou fabricante que você preferir.

Como fazer CamemBOSH The lovely Ellie from Kind State of Mind came into our kitchen earlier this week to make some food. She told us she had been working on a recipe for a dairy free camembert & we were really intrigued. She made it for us & honestly, we were blown away. Seriously, you really need to try it at home! Ingredients: 1 cup soaked cashews 1 clove garlic 2 tbsp tapioca flour 1 tsp salt 1.5 tbsp Nutritional yeast 2 tsp apple cider vinegar 3/4 cup warm water (200ml) 2 cloves garlic (cut into sticks) rosemary (a few sprigs) black pepper (to taste) olive oil (splash) Bake for 20 minutes at 180? (356?) Fresh crusty bread Method 1 Put the ingredients in a food processor & whizz them up into a thick liquid 2 Pour the liquid into a saucepan & cook it until it thickens slightly 3 Pour the liquid into a container that’s lined with parchment paper 4 Push the garlic & rosemary into the top of the mixture & season with pepper & olive oil 5 Bake the camemBOSH! for 20 minutes at 180? (356?) until it has a nice skin on it 6 Take the ‘cheese' out of the oven & serve immediately with warm crusty bread BOSH!

Informações Nutricionais de CamemBOSH

Gramas por Porção: 0 g

  • Calorias 1,60 kcal
  • Carboidratos 0,12 g
  • Proteínas 0,03 g
  • Gorduras Totais 0,11 g
  • Gord. Saturadas 0,00 g
  • Gord. Trans 0,00 g
  • Fibras 0,00 g
  • Sódio 0,00 mg

Informações nutricionais oferecidas por Logo do Tecnonutri

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